Financial Education – Safe Banking for Seniors

You’re invited to a free community event series on identifying and avoiding scams, preventing identity theft, choosing a financial caregiver, understanding powers of attorney, and choosing an executor. 
Where: Port Angeles Senior Center  

328 East 7 Street, Port Angeles, 98362 

When: Mondays at 2pm on November 6, 13, and 20. 

Duration: Each session is 60 minutes with extra time after for questions and discussions.



Topics being covered include:

Identifying and Avoiding Scams: Scammers target older customers because of the size of their assets, their tendency to be more trusting, the likelihood of their being stressed by family, medical and financial problems, their concern about having enough money and their embarrassment about admitting they’ve been duped. Seniors are also more likely to be suffering from declining cognitive skills, making them even more vulnerable to fraud and manipulation.

  • What a scam is 
  • Why scams work 
  • Types of scams 
  • Warning signs of scams 
  • Building scam defenses 

Preventing Identity Theft: The program aims to help older customers understand, recognize and avoid financial fraud and appreciate the benefits of working with a reliable financial caregiver. This module explains what identity theft is, how it can occur and how seniors can protect themselves.

  • What identity theft is 
  • How identity thieves operate 
  • Who the victims are 
  • How you can protect yourself 

Choosing a Financial Caregiver: The program aims to help older customers understand, recognize and avoid financial fraud and appreciate the benefits of working with a reliable financial caregiver. This module explains items a senior should consider before choosing a financial caregiver.

  • What a financial caregiver is 
  • Choosing the right person for the job 
  • A financial caregiver’s responsibilities 
  • What to do if things don’t work out 

Understanding Powers of Attorney: The program aims to help older customers understand, recognize, and avoid potential financial problems and make informed decisions to prepare for the future. This module explains the role an agent with power of attorney plays in handling financial matters or healthcare decisions when the grantor is no longer able to do so. It also addresses the qualities seniors should look for in an agent and the financial planning that can make the agent’s job easier.

  • What is a power of attorney (POA)? 
  • How does a POA work? 
  • Why do you need one or more POAs? 
  • When is the right time to create POAs? 
  • Whom should you choose? 

Choosing an Executor: The program aims to help older customers understand, recognize and avoid potential financial problems and make informed decisions to prepare for the future. This module explains the role an executor plays in managing the estate that’s created at the time of a person’s death. It also addresses the qualities seniors should look for in an executor and the financial planning that can make the executor’s job easier.

  • What is an estate? 
  • What is an executor? 
  • What are an executor’s responsibilities? 
  • How do you choose an executor? 


Safe Senior Banking


Interested in having a financial education presentation at your organization? Contact Jen Swanson at [email protected]


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