Our Contests

First Fed is happy to highlight local talent and creativity in our communities across the Pacific Northwest.


Proudly PNW Photo Contest 2024

Our annual photo contest celebrates our love of the Pacific Northwest. Enter your best photos of PNW life for a chance to win cash prizes and be featured in marketing assets! Contest ends August 18, 2024.   


Enter Your Photos


Woman celebrating at the top of a mountain



Past Contests and Winners

Home Equity Stories Contest

First Fed customers share their stories of how they used their home equity funds.

Proudly PNW Photo Contest 2023

The winning photos from our photo contest in the summer of 2023 were featured on our website and other marketing assets.

Centennial Songwriting Contest

In honor of our centennial celebration, songwriters were invited to enter their original compositions with a Pacific Northwest or community theme.

Proudly PNW Photo Contest 2022

Over 2,400 entries were submitted during our photo contest in summer 2022. The winning photos were featured in our 2023 calendar and other marketing assets.

Proudly PNW Photo Contest 2021

Over 1,200 entries were submitted during our photo contest in summer 2021. The winning photos were featured in our 2022 calendar.